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As ÖSM we want to experience God, live out our faith and consequently change Austria. If you want to become part of our vision, you can participate in our student and graduate programs, or support us financially.

Our bank account details are:

Österreichische Studentenmission - Christen an der Uni (ÖSM)
CA / Bank Austria Innsbruck
IBAN: AT30 1100 0008 9474 3400

Thank you very much for your support!

Support for specific areas

Academics Ministry

The ÖSM wants to help graduates to recognize their vocation as a calling from God and to live out their faith authentically at the workplace. Apart from our established conferences called God@Work weekend and the summer days we are continuing to grow our academics ministry to link professionals and equip them for their work life. In a first step, we want to fund a 25% position for ÖSM staff working in academics ministry. This amounts to monthly costs of 850€.

Reference: Akademikerarbeit


Student ministry is constantly evolving. Hence, ÖSM staff is crucial in giving stability to the various student city groups. ÖSM staff is caring for and mentoring students and in particular student leadership teams. Furthermore, they are organizing conferences like the ÖSM FORUM or Student Equip.

Reference: Mitarbeiter (or insert the name of an ÖSM staff member)

Internship – A Foundation for the Future

As with other IFES countries, the ÖSM is offering their graduates the chance of doing a one-year internship. Interns are supported by an ÖSM staff member in order to gain practical experience in ministry life. A curriculum will help interns to grow in faith, character and competency. All these experiences equip them for a potential future role in Christian ministry as well as for their working life.

Reference: Praktikum